Registration Information | 2019 Noyce Conference

Registration Information

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June 23 - 26, 2019 | Renaissance Mobile Riverview Plaza Hotel | Mobile, Alabama

Registration now closed.

In order to register, please review the three items listed below and visit the air travel & lodging page for details regarding travel for this year's conference.

  • In order to register for the conference, you will need to provide your NSF Grant Award Number, the official name of your Noyce Project, and the name of your Institution.
  • Up to four delegates (including the Principal Investigator) are invited to register and attend the conference to represent your Noyce Project. You may send additional delegates so long as you support their travel cost. The conference will begin at 2:45 p.m. on Sunday, June 23rd and will end at 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 26th.  A preliminary conference schedule will be available early June, until then, please see the Schedule-At-A-Glance under Related links.
  • Registration will close at 12:00 pm on Monday, June 3rd, 2019.

To assist with registration, please use the table below to identify your registrant type:

▼   Noyce Scholar - Pre-Service Teacher
Undergraduate or Graduate Student working to complete his/her degree and/or teaching certificate. (NSF Track 1 & 2)
▼   Noyce Scholar - In Service Teacher (Graduate)
Any scholar who has completed (graduated) the Noyce program and is actively working in schools. (NSF Track 1 & 2)
▼   Noyce Scholar Master Teacher
Any certified, master's level, K-12 STEM teacher who is receiving additional professional development to become an NSF Master Teacher (NSF Track 3)
▼   Noyce PI or Co-PI
Primary Investigators and Co-Primary Investigators
▼   Noyce Program Director/Coordinator
Any faculty or staff within a Noyce project, responsible for coordinating project activities; May include program evaluators, scholar liaisons, administrative support, etc.
▼   Mentor Teacher
In-Service K-12 teachers who provide training, mentoring, or coaching services to Noyce Scholars; Not a scholar or master teacher scholar.
▼   Conference Invited Presenter
Presenter who has been invited to lead a session by the conference organizing committee.

For questions regarding your registrant type, please email or call Dr. Susan Ferguson at (251) 380-2797.