Region 10 South Alabama Regional Inservice Center
The mission of the University of South Alabama Research and In-Service Center (USA-SARIC) is to provide sustained, effective, and rigorous professional development addressing the needs of Alabama’s public school teachers, principals, and superintendents across the region.
SARIC serves over 8,000 educators in the ACCEL Academy, Baldwin County Schools, Chickasaw City Schools, Clarke County Schools, Covenant Academy of Mobile, Floretta P. Carson Visual & Performing Arts Academy, Gulf Shores City Schools, Mobile County Schools, Monroe County Schools, Orange Beach City Schools, Saraland City Schools, Satsuma City Schools, Thomasville City Schools, and Washington County Schools.
SARIC’s sixteen member Governing Board is comprised of teachers, school administrators, higher education representatives, an Alabama Department of Education representative, and a lay citizen. These governing board members, representing each of the school districts in the SARIC service area, set policy, approve staff development programs, ensure accountability, and provide guidance to ensure that SARIC efforts are aligned with local school district needs.
Region 10 Request For Services