Mark Colarusso
- Ph.D University of California, San Diego.
Research Interests
Lie theory, algebraic geometry, representation theory, integrable systems, Poisson geometry.
The Gelfand-Zeitlin Integrable System and Its Action on Generic Elements of gl(n) and so(n) , New Developments in Lie Theory and Geometry (Cruz Chica, Cordoba, Argentina, 2007), Contemp. Math., vol. 491, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2009, pp.255-281.
The orbit structure of the Gelfand-Zeitlin group on n\times n Matrices , Pacific Journal of Math. 250, (2011), no.1, 109-138.
On algebraic integrability of Gelfand-Zeitlin fields , coauthored with Sam Evens, Transformation Groups, 15 (2010), no. 1, 46-71.
K-orbits on the flag variety and strongly regular nilpotent matrices , coauthored with Sam Evens, Selecta. Math. (N.S.), 18, (2012), no.1, 159-177.
The Gelfand-Zeitlin integrable system and K-orbits on the flag variety , coauthored with Sam Evens, “Symmetry: Representation Theory and its Applications,” 85-119, Progr. Math., 257, Birkauser/Springer, New York, 2014.
Eigenvalue Coincidences and K-orbits, I, coauthored with Sam Evens, Journal of Algebra, 422, (2015), 611-632.
Lie-Poisson theory for direct limit Lie algebras, coauthored with Michael Lau, J. Pure and Appl. Algebra, 220, (2016), no 4, 1489-1516.
The Complex Orthogonal Gelfand-Zeitlin System : coauthored with Sam Evens, International Math Research Notices, 2021 (2019), No. 4, 2682-2722.
Contingency Tables and the Generalized Littlewood-Richardson Coefficients : coauthored with William Erickson and Jeb Willenbring, to appear in Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society.
Most of my teaching at South Alabama has been in the calculus sequence and in the masters program for secondary education majors.
- Calculus Sequence:
- College Algebra, Business Calculus, Calculus 1, 2, 3, Differential Equations.
- Upper Division:
- Foundations of Mathematics
- Masters Program for Secondary Education Teachers:
- Abstract Algebra, Axiomatic Geometry.