Andre M. Green
B.S., Chemistry, Alabama State University, 1995
M.S., Chemistry, Hampton University, 1998
Ed.S., Curriculum and Instruction, Virginia Tech, 2001
Ph.D., Curriculum and Instruction, Virginia Tech, 2006
Teaching Philosophy
Getting an education was never an option for me. I always knew I was going to college and I always knew that I would obtain some type of post baccalaureate degree. It was engrained in me at an early age by my parents, uncles, aunts, and all other family members with an interest in seeing me develop into an educated man. My family engrained in me that it was my duty to get an education so that I could continue to help uplift those who for so long have been locked out of the American dream. One way to uplift is to, again, assist in making sure that everyone has access to a quality education so that one day that cycle of poverty for many families can be broken.
My teaching philosophy was and is shaped by those who raised me and from my own educational journey. I believe it is my job to prepare the best teachers possible to go out and provide a good education for ALL children. It is my hope that I inspire those who come in contact with me through my courses and everyday dealings to want to become good teachers so that the students they teach can have a chance a productive future. I believe as others, like Linda Darling-Hammond and James Banks believe, that it is my job to challenge students to confront biases that they may hold in a supportive yet challenging environment that gives them different perspectives and view points to consider. I believe that this approach prepares prospective teachers within all teacher education disciplines to be good teachers of all students regardless of ethnicity or the socio-economic background.
I prepare teachers who are on the front line of this war against ignorance and poverty. I believe that if I fail at my job then I am failing the many generations of students whom the teachers I train will teach. I believe that my job is the most important job in America and I want the teachers-in-training who I assist in preparing to feel the same way as I. I believe it is my job to assist teachers-in-training understand the importance of the profession they are seeking to embark on because they, as do I, have the power to change the world one kid at a time.
My research interests include science and math education with a focus on how to attract underrepresented groups of people into the field. My interests include the barriers that prevent underrepresented groups from entering the arena of science and mathematics. I also have an interest in mentoring at both the secondary and collegiate levels. Most projects that I am involved in relates in someway to these core research topics.
Since being employed by the university, I have conducted a summer enrichment programs for elementary students that focus mainly on science and mathematics. I have also conducted summer programs for both middle and high school students as well. We have also received grant funding during my tenure at the university to increase the content knowledge of in-service teachers in the areas of science and mathematics. These are only a few examples of the work that I have been involved with since I have been employed by USA. The projects I work on involve teachers and students because it is that involvement that gives me the first hand knowledge needed to instruct the teachers in training enrolled in our teacher education programs.
My name is André M. Green and I am originally from Southeast Georgia from a small town called Swainsboro. I received my undergraduate degree in Chemistry from Alabama State University with a minor in Mathematics. I received my Masters degree in Chemistry from Hampton University and my Ed.S. degree and Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction with a focus in Science Education from Virginia Tech. I have taught mathematics, Physical Science and Chemistry at both the middle and high school level while pursing my doctorate at Virginia Tech. I am married and have two adorable little children.
EDU 340 - Fundamentals of Teaching - W
EDU 456 - Teaching Science
EDU 498 - Internship/Field Experience
SED 552 - The High School Curriculum
SED 555 - Curriculum and Teaching in the Secondary School
SED 556 - Teaching Science in Secondary Schools
SED 563 - Trends and Practices in Teaching Mathematics in the Secondary Schools
SED 564 - Trends and Practices in Teaching Science in the Secondary Schools
SED 597 - Intern in Secondary Education Science
SED 598 - Intern in Secondary Education Mathematics