Section D Transfer Admissions | Common Data Set 2018-19

Section D Transfer Admissions

Fall Applicants

D1 Transfer Applicants

Transfer Applicants Yes No
Does your institution enroll transfer students? (If no, please skip to Section E)  X  
If yes, may transfer students earn advanced standing credit by transferring credits earned from course work completed at other colleges/universities?    

D2 Provide the number of students who applied, were admitted, and enrolled as degree-seeking transfer students in Fall 2018.

  Applicants Admitted Applicants Enrolled Applicants
Men 617 376 257
Women 1,019 688 427
Total 1,636 1,064 684

Application for Admission

D3 and D4 Indicate terms for which transfers may enroll:

Transfers may enroll: Yes No
Fall X  
Spring X  
Summer X  
Must a transfer applicant have a minimum number of credits completed or else must apply as an entering freshman?   X
If yes, what is the minimum number of credits and the unit of measure?    

D5 Indicate all items required of transfer students to apply for admission:

  Required of All Recommended of All Recommended of Some Required of Some Not Required
High school transcript       X  
College transcript(s) X        
Essay or personal statement         X
Interview         X
Standardized test scores       X  
Statement of good standing from prior institution(s)       X  

D6 If a minimum high school grade point average is required of transfer applicants, specify (on a 4.0 scale):


D7 If a minimum college grade point average is required of transfer applicants, specify (on a 4.0 scale): 2.00

List any other application requirements specific to transfer applicants:


D9 List application priority, closing, notification, and candidate reply dates for transfer students. If applications are reviewed on a continuous or rolling basis, place a check mark in the “Rolling admission” column.

  Priority Date Closing Date Notification Date Reply Date Rolling Admission
Fall 7/15        
Spring 12/1        
Summer 5/1        

D10 Does an open admission policy, if reported, apply to transfer students?

Yes No

D11 Describe additional requirements for transfer admission, if applicable:

Transfer Credit Policies

D12 Report the lowest grade earned for any course that may be transferred for credit: 2.00

D13 and D14 Maximum number of credits or courses that may be transferred from a two-year and four-year institution:

  Number Unit Type
Two-year institution: 64  Credits
Four-year institution: 64  Credits

D15 Minimum number of credits that transfers must complete at your institution to earn an associate degree:

D16 Minimum number of credits that transfers must complete at your institution to earn a bachelor’s degree: 30

D17 Describe other transfer credit policies: Although transferable, credits may or may not be applicable. The final program evaluation of transfer credit requires the approval of the Dean. No credit will be awarded for remedial, vocational, and technical courses.

D18 Military Service Transfer Credit Policies

Does your institution accept the following military/veteran transfer credits: Yes No
American Council on Education (ACE) X  
College Level Examination Program (CLEP) X  
DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST) X  


  Number Unit Type
Maximum number of credits or courses that may be
transferred based on military education evaluated by the
American Council on Education (ACE):
30 Credit


  Number Unit Type
Maximum number of credits or courses that may be transferred based on Department of Defense supported prior learning assessments (College
Level Examination Program (CLEP) or DANTES Subject Standardized
Tests (DSST)):
30 Credit


  Yes No
Are the military/veteran credit transfer policies on your website? X  
If yes, please provide the URL where they can be located: 

D22- Describe other military/veteran transfer credit policies unique to your institution: Students who have successfully completed basic training in the armed forces may receive four semester hours of elective credit and exemption from P.E. by presenting a DD214, DD295, a copy of a Community College of the Air Force transcript, or a certificate of training to the Office of the Registrar for currently enrolled or former students, or to the Office of Admissions for new students.