C. First-Time, First-Year (Freshman) Admission | Common Data Set 2019-20

C. First-Time, First-Year (Freshman) Admission


C1 First-time, first-year, (freshmen) students: Provide the number of degree-seeking, first-time, first-year students who applied, were admitted, and enrolled (full- or part-time) in Fall 2019. Include early decision, early action, and students who began studies during summer in this cohort. Applicants should include only those students who fulfilled the requirements for consideration for admission (i.e., who completed actionable applications) and who have been notified of one of the following actions: admission, nonadmission, placement on waiting list, or application withdrawn (by applicant or institution). Admitted applicants should include wait-listed students who were subsequently offered admission.

Total first-time, first-year (freshman) men who applied 2,455
Total first-time, first-year (freshman) women who applied 4,010
Total first-time, first-year (freshman) men who were admitted 1,853
Total first-time, first-year (freshman) women who were admitted 3,194
Total full-time, first-time, first-year (freshman) men who enrolled 597
Total part-time, first-time, first-year (freshman) men who enrolled 7
Total full-time, first-time, first-year (freshman) women who enrolled 1,003
Total part-time, first-time, first-year (freshman) women who enrolled 10

Freshman wait-listed students (students who met admission requirements but whose final admission was contingent on space availability)

Admission Questionnaire Yes No
Do you have a policy of placing students on a waiting list?   X
If yes, please answer the questions below for Fall 2019 admissions:    
Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list    
Number accepting a place on the waiting list    
Number of wait-listed students admitted    
Is your waiting list ranked?    
If yes, do you release that information to students?    
Do you release that information to school counselors?    

Admission Requirements

C3 High school completion requirement

High school diploma is required and GED is accepted X
High school diploma is required and GED is not accepted  
High school diploma or equivalent is not required  

C4 Does your institution require or recommend a general college-preparatory program for degree-seeking students?

Recommend X
Neither require nor recommend  

C5 Distribution of high school units required and/or recommended. Specify the distribution of academic high school course units required and/or recommended of all or most degree-seeking students using Carnegie units (one unit equals one year of study or its equivalent). If you use a different system for calculating units, please convert.

Distribution Units Required Units Recommended
Total academic units 16  
English 4  
Mathematics 3  
Science 3  
     Of these, units that must be lab 2  
Foreign language    
Social studies 3  
Academic electives 3  
Computer Science    
Visual/Performing Arts    
Other (specify)    

Basis for Selection

C6 Do you have an open admission policy, under which virtually all secondary school graduates or students with GED equivalency diplomas are admitted without regard to academic record, test scores, or other qualifications? If so, check which applies:

Open admission policy as described above for all students  
Open admission policy as described above for most students, but--  
      selective admission for out-of-state students  
      selective admission to some programs  
other (explain):  

C7 Relative importance of each of the following academic and nonacademic factors in first-time, first-year, degree-seeking (freshman) admission decisions.

Distribution Very Important Important Considered Not Considered
    Rigor of secondary school record       X
    Class rank       X
     Academic GPA X      
    Standardized test scores X      
    Application Essay       X
     Recommendation(s)       X
     Interview       X
     Extracurricular activities       X
     Talent/ability       X
     Character/personal qualities       X
     First generation        X
     Alumni/ae relation       X
     Geographical residence       X
     State residency       X
     Religious affiliation/commitment       X
     Racial/ethnic status       X
     Volunteer work       X
     Work experience       X
     Level of applicant’s interest       X

SAT and ACT Policies

C8 Entrance exams

Entrance Exam Yes No
C8A Does your institution make use of SAT, ACT, or SAT Subject Test scores in admission decisions for first-time, first-year, degree-seeking applicants?  X  

If yes, place check marks in the appropriate boxes below to reflect your institution’s policies for use in admission for Fall 2020.

  Require Recommend Require for Some Consider if Submitted Not Used
SAT or ACT     X    
ACT only          
SAT only          
SAT and SAT Subject Tests or ACT          
SAT Subject Tests only          

C8B If your institution will make use of the ACT in admission decisions for first-time, first-year, degree-seeking applicants for Fall 2020, please indicate which ONE of the following applies: (regardless of whether the writing score will be used in the admissions process):

ACT with writing required  
ACT with writing recommended  
ACT with or without writing accepted X

If your institution will make use of the SAT in admission decisions for first-time, first-year, degree-seeking
for Fall 2020 please indicate which ONE of the following applies (regardless of whether the Essay score will be used in the admissions process:

SAT with Essay component required  
SAT with Essay component recommended  
SAT with or without Essay component accepted X

C8C  Please indicate how your institution will use the SAT or ACT writing component; check all that apply:

Use of SAT/ACT writing component SAT essay ACT essay
For admission    
For placement    
For advising    
In place of an application essay    
As a validity check on the application essay    
No college policy as of now    
Not using essay component X X

C8D In addition, does your institution use applicants' test scores for academic advising?

Yes No


Latest date by which SAT or ACT scores must be received for fall-term admission 7/15
Latest date by which SAT Subject Test scores must be received for fall-term admission 7/15

C8F If necessary, use this space to clarify your test policies (e.g., if tests are recommended for some students, or if tests are not required of some students): 

C8G Please indicate which tests your institution uses for placement (e.g., state tests):

SAT Subject Tests  
Institutional Exam X
State Exam (specify):  

C9 Freshman Profile

Provide information for ALL enrolled, degree-seeking, full-time and part-time, first-time, first-year (freshman) students enrolled in Fall 2019, including students who began studies during summer, international students/nonresident aliens, and students admitted under special arrangements.

Percent and number of first-time, first-year (freshman) students enrolled in Fall 2019 who submitted national standardized (SAT/ACT) test scores. Include information for ALL enrolled, degree-seeking, first-time, first-year (freshman) students who submitted test scores. Do not include partial test scores (e.g., mathematics scores but not critical reading for a category of students) or combine other standardized test results (such as TOEFL) in this item. Do not convert SAT scores to ACT scores and vice versa. Do convert Old SAT scores to New SAT scores using the College Board’s concordance tools and tables (sat.org/concordance).

Percent submitting SAT scores 9% Number submitting SAT scores 152
Percent submitting ACT scores 95% Number submitting ACT scores 1,543
Divisions 25th Percentile 75th Percentile
SAT Composite 1,030 1,210
SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing 520 620
SAT Math 510 600
ACT Composite 20 27
ACT Math 18 26
ACT English 21 29
ACT Writing    

Percent of first-time, first-year (freshman) students with scores in each range:


Score SAT Composites
1400-1600   5%
1200-1399   22%
1000-1199   50%
800-999   22%
600-799   1%
400-599   0%
Totals should= 100%   100.00%
  SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing SAT Math
700-800 8% 7%
600-699 29% 20%
500-599 45% 52%
400-499 17% 18%
300-399 1% 3%
200-299 0% 0%
Totals should = 100%





Range ACT Composite ACT English ACT Math
30-36 12% 24% 6%
24-29 37% 31% 35%
18-23 50% 39% 41%
12-17 1% 6% 18%
6-11 0% 0% 0%
Below 6 0% 0% 0%
Totals should = 100% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%

C10 Percent of all degree-seeking, first-time, first-year (freshman) students who had high school class rank within each of the following ranges (report information for those students from whom you collected high school rank information).

Percent in top tenth of high school graduating class    
Percent in top quarter of high school graduating class    
Percent in top half of high school graduating class   Top half +
bottom half = 100%
Percent in bottom half of high school graduating class  
Percent in bottom quarter of high school graduating class    
Percent of total first-time, first-year (freshmen) students who submitted high school class rank:    

C11 Percentage of all enrolled, degree-seeking, first-time, first-year (freshman) students who had high school grade-point averages within each of the following ranges (using 4.0 scale). Report information only for those students from whom you collected high school GPA.

Percent who had GPA of 4.0 32%
Percent who had GPA between 3.75 and 3.99 19%
Percent who had GPA between 3.50 and 3.74 17%
Percent who had GPA between 3.25 and 3.49 12%
Percent who had GPA between 3.00 and 3.24 11%
Percent who had GPA between 2.50 and 2.99 8%
Percent who had GPA between 2.0 and 2.49 1%
Percent who had GPA between 1.0 and 1.99 0%
Percent who had GPA below 1.0 0%
Totals should = 100% 100.00%

C12 Average high school GPA of all degree-seeking, first-time, first-year (freshman) students who submitted GPA:  3.72

Percent of total first-time, first-year (freshman) students who submitted high school GPA: 99.4%

Admission Policies

C13 Application Fee

Application Questionnaire Yes No
Does your institution have an application fee?  X  
Amount of application fee: $45  
Can it be waived for applicants with financial need?   X

If you have an application fee and an on-line application option,

Same fee:    
Reduced: X  
Application Fee Waiver Yes No
Can on-line application fee be waived for applicants with financial need?  

C14 Application closing date

Application Questionnaire Yes No
Does your institution have an application closing date? X  
Application closing date (fall): 7/15  
Priority date:    

C15 Are first-time, first-year students accepted for terms other than the fall?

Acceptance Questionnaire Yes No

C16 Notification to applicants of admission decision sent (fill in one only)

On a rolling basis beginning (date): X
By (date):  

C17 Reply policy for admitted applicants (fill in one only)

Must reply by (date):  
No set date:  
Must reply by May 1 or within _____ weeks if notified thereafter  
Deadline for housing deposit (MM/DD): 4/1
Amount of housing deposit: 150.00
Refundable if student does not enroll?  
Yes, in full  
Yes, in part X

C18 Deferred admission

Deferred admission Yes No
Does your institution allow students to postpone enrollment after admission?    X
If yes, maximum period of postponement:    

C19 Early admission of high school students

Early admission Yes No
Does your institution allow high school students to enroll as full-time, first-time, first-year (freshman) students one year or more before high school graduation? X  

C20 Common Application     Question removed from CDS.     (Initiated during 2006-2007 cycle)

Early Decision and Early Action Plans

C21 Early Decision

Early Decision Yes No
Do you have a nonbinding early action plan whereby students are notified of an admission decision well in advance of the regular notification date but do not have to commit to attending your  X  
If “yes,”? please complete the following:    
First or only early decision plan closing date 8/1  
First or only early decision plan notification date 10/1  
Other early decision plan closing date    
Other early decision plan notification date    
For the Fall 2019 Entering Class Yes No
 Number of early decision applications received by your institution    
Number of applicants admitted under early decision plan    
Please provide significant details about your early decision plan:    
Early Action Yes No
Do you have a nonbinding early action plan whereby students are notified of an admission decision well in advance of the regular notification date but do not have to commit to attending your college?   X
If “yes,” please complete the following:    
Early action closing date    
Early action notification date    
Is your early action plan a “restrictive” plan under which you limit students from applying to other early plans?