Occupational Health Care (OHP) | Research Compliance & Assurance

Occupational Health Care (OHP)

The Occupational Health Program is designed to provide preventative medical services and occupational risk assessment education to research faculty and staff in direct contact with live vertebrate animals, body fluids and tissues, wastes, or contaminated living quarters. The OHP has been developed in accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety in the Care and Use of Research Animals document prepared by the National Research Council (NRC), the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources [ILAR]), the Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories [CDC, NIH], and the USA Biosafety Manual and Exposure Control Plan. (*If you are not sure about OHP enrollment, please reach out to the IACUC Administrator before enrolling). 

    1. The employee will visit the OHP Enrollment Site to enroll in the OHP.
    2. Download the Animal Allergies material. Read the material and acknowledge that you have read the information by checking the "Yes" box. 
    3. On the next screen are the Purpose and Privacy statements for the OHP. Read the information before continuing and then click Next.
    4. Follow the instructions and fill in all applicable and required fields. 
    5. Once you have completed the Occupational Initial Health Screening form, click Submit.
    6. After your initial screening questionnaire is complete and submitted through REDCap, the form is routed to the Industrial Health provider. Once the questionnaire is received, a paper based review is completed by the provider. If you are medically cleared with no restrictions, an email is generated and sent to you and your laboratory supervisor. If you are not medically cleared, an email is generated requesting that you call the healthcare provider's office to schedule an appointment.

REDCap Enrollee Quick Guide

The OHP manual covers occupational risk-based categories, inclusion in the program, continuing health assessments, work-related injuries and reporting injuries. The purpose and intent of the OHP is to provide a safe and healthy work environment.

OHP Manual

Animal Allergies Information


The USA Industrial Health Clinic is located off campus.

Clinic Hours:

Weekdays 7:30 am - 5:00 pm
Telephone: (251) 660-5910