Creating A-Z | Content Management System

Creating A-Z

A-Z Master

You can create an A-Z master page by clicking new at the directory level and choosing New Page A-Z Master.

Create New A-Z Master


Next, you will choose the layout of your new template, fill in the information on the general page setup, and set your file configuration.

Create A-Z


Once page is created, you will need to check out the page, and go into edit mode. Add your links, phone numbers, and any tags you would like associated with the link. If you choose to include tags, they will be displayed in the right column. Remember to save and publish once you are finished.

Inside A-Z


If you do not want to include tags in your A-Z Master, you can turn the tags off in your left column options in the Properties (Props) Button at the top of the page. You can also turn on or off the related link, social media, and address. 

Turn on or off A-Z