TB Training Requirements | Biosafety

TB Training Requirements

The CAHP - TB Surveillance & Training Program specifies TB training requirements for all College of Allied Health Professions personnel regardless of their status (e.g., student, staff, etc.).

All CAHP personnel classified as Category I  are required to complete TB training prior to entering an at-risk clinical facility.  Personnel classified as Category II are not required to perform training unless they are later reclassified to a Category I risk level.  All CAHP personnel need to comply with any additional facility-based training and/or education requirements.

Training consists of reviewing this web-based training module and successfully challenging a post-training assessment (quiz).   A minimum score of 80% (16/20) is considered as passing.

Training topics will include, but are not limited to:

  • Clinical information (transmission, signs & symptoms, prevention)
  • Disease epidemiology (incidence)
  • Infection-control practices (healthcare provider role)
  • Screening program (initial/annual)
  • Immunocompromised patients & TB (relationship)
  • Public Health roles (CDC, OSHA, public health organizations

Not all affiliated clinical sites will provide TB training so it's conducted at CAHP prior to a student's 1st rotation. Further occupation-specific training may be performed by individual clinical  training sites.  For example, fit and wear training of the N95 or similar NISOH-approved respiratory-protection mask.  

Initial Training

Category I faculty or staff TB training usually occurs upon hiring. Students will complete initial TB training just prior to entry into an at-risk setting, which is usually their first clinical rotation.

Refresher Training

Annual refresher training is similarly required of all Category I personnel.  

Clinical Site Training

TB training accomplished at an affiliated clinical facility may be accepted to satisfy CAHP annual refresher training requirements.  At a minimum, training topics must include include facility infection-control policies, TB screening program, and TB exposure reporting. A brief description of the training preformed and when it was accomplished must be submitted to the department biosafety committee member for his or her review and/or approval.

Remedial Training

Any documented post-test (quiz) failure of less than 80% requires additional training.  This will consist of reviewing the entire training module before retaking the quiz. A total of three attempts are allowed during each training cycle.    


Required information is indicated on the CAHP Tuberculosis (TB) Surveillance & Training Program Employee & Student Forms - Risk Classification, TB Skin Test, & Training, appendix A&B, respectively.  Training documentation is maintained as part of appropriate personnel record for duration of employment or academic enrollment.


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