Army ROTC Cadet | Army ROTC

Army ROTC Cadet Organizations


- Ranger Challenge Team - 

The purpose for Ranger Challenge Program is to challenge cadets in tough mental and physical competition, enhance leader development, develop team cohesion, and to develop healthy competition among the battalions. Each year, top cadets from around the country gather to compete in Army ROTC's varsity sport: the ROTC Ranger Challenge.  This voluntary competition offers outstanding teamwork training while demanding your best physical and mental efforts. Events include land navigation skills to find points over a course, Army physical fitness test, and constructing a one-rope bridge, in which teams cross a 40-foot water obstacle using a single rope and plenty of ingenuity. Other events include the grenade assault course, leader's reaction course, water confidence course, obstacle course, trauma lanes, and a 10K road march.


- The National Society of Scabbard and Blade - 

Ways to Membership

Scabbard and Blade is the most distinguished and prestigious military honor and service society in the nation. Thus, only the finest persons are eligible for membership, which is by election and requires successful completion of a pledge term. Associate membership generally includes civilian university officials, ROTC faculty members, and other active commissioned officers. Honorary membership is usually reserved for civilians who have achieved great distinction and who have effectively promoted national defense. All Scabbard and Blade membership is for life.


Because Society members are leaders, they frequently are asked to represent their parent institutions at official functions, ceremonies, and other notable events. Scabbard and Blade companies have a record of service to the Corps of Cadets, to their institutions, and to their community. Service projects range from blood bank drives to assistance to the underprivileged, all aimed at constructive contributions to the Nation.

Military Proficiency

Society members endeavor to improve their military skills through company leadership duties, extra training activities, company sponsored talks by officers on active and reserve duty, and visits to military bases. In line with the development of the essential qualities of good and efficient offices, military proficiency is one of, if not the, most important aspects of the society. Our rigorous training is designed to propel Scabbard and Blade members beyond the standard both during time in ROTC, especially at Army Advanced Camp and Air Force Field Training, and after graduation.

The cornerstone of this organization is our alumni. Those who came before us have set a path of excellence for us to pursue and left an increasingly renowned legacy of for us to live up to.


- Army ROTC Color Guard -

 The University of South Alabama Army ROTC Color Guard is one of our most highly respected organizations. They are responsible for carrying our nation's colors during parades, marches, and other various events. Each year, the Army ROTC Color Guard is requested to be present at the Mardi Gras parades. In addition to the Color Guard, other cadets are welcome to attend and walk with the floats! The Color Guard is also present at USA graduations and ceremonies. To be part of the Color Guard is an honor and is truly respected.