Postsecondary Education Preview Summer Camp

  • Pep camp students on football field in front of goal post.
  • PEP students on campus by flag pole.
  • PEP students on staircase.
  • PEP students in front of Jag Head image.


PEP Summer Camp is excited to announce that in addition to offering a 2-night, 3-day camp for 16-18 year old students with intellectual disabilities and a second camp for 19-27 year-old adults interested in exploring a postsecondary education experience, PEP Summer camp is hosting a day camp during the same time frames.

All Campers will participate in mini classes and receive an individualized plan detailing the skills to enhance their postsecondary education readiness, independent living, and employment skills. 

Overnight Campers will be assigned private rooms in a USA residential hall and eat on campus. At least one chaperone per 5 campers will be provided in the residential halls, including direct overnight supervision. 

2025 Summer Camp Dates

The camp for 16-18 year olds is June 10-12.
The camp for 19-27 year olds is June 24-26.
Day camp is $200 per camper. 
Overnight camp is $400 per camper.
Openings are limited, apply today!


  • Diagnosed with an intellectual disability.
  • Has the ability to communicate wants, needs, and answer simple questions.
  • Manages personal self-care needs independently (dressing, eating, toileting).
  • Has the ability to adapt to the group routine of camp, follow instructions, and remain with the group/counselors. PEP Camp does NOT provide 1:1 mentors for campers.
  • Has the ability to maintain appropriate behavior towards others and self.
  • Has the ability to use a cell phone for calls, texts, and emails.
  • Has the ability to write personal information (or keyboard), read simple directions, identify numbers, use a calculator, and identify money.
  • Has the ability to take personal prescription medication independently.
  • Has the ability to participate fully in camp activities without foreseeable likelihood for injury or medical complications.
  • Does not have a medical condition or impairment that requires specialized medical treatment. NO medical personnel will be available during the camp.
  • Has the ability to be picked up by a parent/guardian within an hour in the event the camper becomes ill, refuses to comply with safety rules or instructions from camp counselors, or is otherwise deemed unable to continue camp in the discretion of USA.
If you have questions about Camp, please call (251) 460-7674.  If you would like an application, please email


This project is funded by grants from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Post- Secondary Education Grant # P407A150076 and P407A200064.