Alabama Incident Management System (AIMS) | Center for Disaster Healthcare Preparedness

Alabama Incident Management System (AIMS)

Alabama Incident Management System (AIMS):

Healthcare facilities obtain initial access (username and password) to AIMS through their local Healthcare Coalition’s AIMS Coordinator, who also provide training and technical assistance. AIMS is one of the primary communication tool used among Healthcare Coalition members and is a platform for exercise and real-event responses.

AIMS is a secure, encrypted, web-based program that allows and encourages ongoing, real-time communication between healthcare facilities including Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Community Health Centers, Medical Needs Shelters, Healthcare Coalitions members (HCC), and local, area and state Emergency Operations Centers (EOC), representing nearly 500 organizations utilizing AIMS and over 2,000 users.

AIMS was conceptualized by the Alabama Department of Public Health- Center for Emergency Preparedness (ADPH-CEP) to facilitate state-wide healthcare disaster response efforts and to efficiently carry-out Emergency Support Function (ESF #8- Public Health and Medical) responsibilities as outlined in the National Response Framework. AIMS has been utilized as Alabama’s primary situational awareness tool since 2004. Under the auspices of ADPH, the University of South Alabama’s Center for Disaster Healthcare Preparedness manages AIMS and provides ongoing revisions, training, hosting and emergency medical operations support.

Under normal conditions, healthcare facilities utilize AIMS to share information including status updates of organizational resources (beds, staff, facility operating systems, and fuel) and communicate any resource needs and/or capabilities to provide assistance. When emergency conditions begin to stress the surge capacity and capability of local response systems, coalition partners and Emergency Operations Center (EOC) staff are able provide support and coordination of resource requests through AIMS.

For additional information contact the University of South Alabama AIMS Support Division (251-461-1805).