JIF Information | Jaguar Investment Fund

JIF Information

Jaguar Investment Fund Logo

How We Invest

The Jaguar Investment Fund and USA Fund are nominally an all-equity based fund investing in domestic equities, ADRs, ETFS, & REITs. The JIF managers aim to achieve portfolio returns in excess of a benchmark of the S&P 500.

Top 10 Holdings (as of 9/30/2021)






FTNT $292.04 300.00 $87,612 7.78%
NVDA $207.16 303.59 $62,892 5.58%
AMZN $3,285.04 19.00 $62,416 5.54%
APPL $141.50 416.00 $58,872 5.23%
PYPL $260.21 200.00 $52,042 4.62%
AMT $265.41 184.34 $48,925 4.34%
GOOG $2,665.31 16.00 $42,645 3.79%
BRK-B $272.94 138.00 $37,666 3.34%
ZTS $194.14 180.00 $34,945 3.10%
APO $61.59 538.40 $33,160 2.94%

JIF Pie Chart

Fund Performance

As of September 30, 2021, the Jaguar Investment Fund has earned a total return of 170.85% since inception. The fund was 37.98% ahead of our benchmark, the S&P 500, since inception, October 1, 2015. 

As of September 30, 2021, the USA Fund has earned a total return of 3.46% since inception. The fund was -0.66% ahead of our benchmark, the S&P 500, since inception, June 1, 2021.

JIF Value chart

USA Value Chart