Computing and Study Spaces | Mitchell College of Business Library

Computing and Study Spaces

Computing Areas and Equipment

Patrons may bring their own devices and connect to the Open Wi-Fi network available throughout the library.

The computer lab in the Library (MLRC, Room 241) is reserved for students currently enrolled in a Mitchell College of Business course. Microsoft Office software is installed on all the computers. Students can also access their JagMail account, which includes access to Google apps (Docs, Sheets, Slides). The Lab includes several printers, including a color printer/copier/scanner. MCOB student fees pay for printing in this lab, so students don’t have to bring cash or a special printing card in order to print. 

The Mitchell Learning Resource Center also includes the John B. Saint Financial Analysis Center (MLRC, Room 235), which replicates a trading floor at a brokerage house. A ticker tape scroll runs across the top screen in the room displaying the latest trading information for select companies. The Center is equipped with Bloomberg computer terminals, providing users with access to real-time financial market data. This computer lab is reserved for students taking finance courses within the Mitchell College of Business and for members of the Jaguar Investment Fund.

Those using the library's computers or networks must comply with the University's computing policy detailed in the Student Handbook.

Study Spaces

The MCOB Library offers a quiet place for students to study, research and collaborate on group projects. The main reading area in the MCOB Library provides comfortable seating in a variety of arrangements for up to 125 people. The Library also has five study rooms equipped with dry erase boards and markers.


▼   Policies and Guidelines for Study Room Use
  • Reservations can be made in person at the Service Desk in the Library or by calling (251) 414-8067.
  • Reservations can be made up to one week in advance. 
  • Study rooms may be reserved for up to 3 hours at a time. If no one is waiting, the reservation may be extended. Reservations will not be extended during busy periods, such as during final exams. 
  • Unless previously reserved, all study rooms are available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
  • Study rooms may only be reserved for groups of two to six people. (Note: Due to COVID-19 social distancing measures, study rooms are for individual study only at this time.)
  • Students must provide their name and Jag Number in order to make a reservation. All members of a group must be included on the reservation.
  • Groups reserving a study room have 15 minutes following the reserved time to occupy the room. If the room remains unoccupied, the library may reassign the room.
  • Study rooms are not soundproof, so conversations need to be kept at a normal sound level. Cell phones and other multimedia devices should be used in a manner so as not to disturb other patrons.
  • Library staff reserves the right to enter study rooms at any time and to remove individuals based on inappropriate conduct, including policies outlined in the Lowdown.
  • The person who makes the reservation assumes responsibility for the condition of the room and the conduct of the other group members. Tobacco products, vaping, and disruptive behavior are prohibited. Any damage should be reported immediately to the Service Desk.
  • The library staff reserves the right to remove belongings and reassign the room if it's left empty for more than 15 minutes.
  • The library cannot be held responsible for unattended belongings.
  • Library materials or personal belongings should not be left in the study room.
  • Any belongings left unattended will be removed and held at the Service Desk for up to 30 days.
  • Individuals who are registered with Center for Educational Accessibility & Disability Resources (ESB, 320 Student Center Circle, Suite 19, 460-7212) and require the use of a study room for individual use may reserve study rooms after providing a certification of disability letter for the library to keep on file.
  • Failure to follow library policies/guidelines may result in the loss of study room privileges.

Note: Business College administration reserves the right to override/cancel previous reservations as needed to schedule the study rooms for job interviews or other administrative purposes. If reservations are cancelled, users will be notified as soon as possible.