Pre-Physical Therapy
Welcome to Pre-PT! We are excited that you have your sights set on becoming a physical therapist. You have a long road ahead of you but we are here to help. We will provide information and support as you take the pre-requisite courses up until you start the application and testing process.
▼ Requirements for Physical Therapy School
- Most physical therapy schools require the following courses:
- General Chemistry I and II and labs
- General Biology I and II and labs
- Anatomy and Physiology I and II
- Physics I and II and labs (algebra/trigonometry)
- English Composition I and II
- Public Speaking
- Two Psychology electives (General and Developmental)
- Social Science elective
- Statistics
- Math (precalculus algebra/trigonometry or higher)
- Some schools require other science, math, medical terminology, and/or behavioral sciences. It is important that you research the requirements for those schools in which you are interested. Your pre-health advisor can help you with this research.
- Some schools require documented observation hours with a licensed physical therapist. Hours required vary by school.
- Specific requirements for some area schools can be found at the following links:
▼ International Students Physical Therapy School
Many U.S. physical therapy schools welcome
Useful links for Pre-Physical Therapy
- Physical Therapist Centralized Application Service (PTCAS)
- PTCAS Quick Start Guide and FAQs
- PTCAS Comparison of Program Admission Requirements
- American Physical Therapy Association
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