XIII. Solicitation Policy

XIII. Solicitation Policy

The university regulates the use of its facilities for solicitation of money by students, student organizations, employees, departments, other affiliates, and visitors. Solicitation by placing flyers on vehicles by USA or non-USA groups or individuals is strictly prohibited. Door-to-door solicitation is not allowed.

USA-Affiliated Groups

University of South Alabama student organizations, departments, or other affiliates of the university are permitted to engage in solicitation activities such as fundraisers on campus. Use of space for the selling of goods and/or services that is in close proximity to and in direct competition with exclusive university vendors such as the University Bookstore, Dining Services, Housing, Vending, or any other entities that have an exclusive contract with USA is prohibited.

Each event must follow the policies, rules, and regulations of the university and the laws of the State of Alabama or other governing body. Solicitation privileges may be revoked for violation of policies, rules, and/or regulations or for conduct that may be characterized as unlawful harassment or is otherwise in violation of university policy or applicable laws, rules, or regulations.

Solicitation in the Student Center

The USA Student Center requires any organization requesting space for solicitation in the Student Center to contact Student Center Services (460-6077) to make a reservation. Designated spaces are limited and restricted to the use of that space only. All organizations using designated solicitation space must adhere to all reservation policies of the Student Center.

Non-USA Groups

Non-university groups, individuals, or businesses are not permitted to solicit or distribute business-related materials in university buildings or on the grounds except at designated places during designated times. Please contact the Student Center at 460-6077 for more information about designated times. Any business, company, or service attempting to recruit for student employment must obtain approval from USA Career Services
(460-6188) to reserve vendor space.